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  1. Furusawa, H., Ikezawa, H., Tsujimoto, SG., Ichikawa-Seki, M., Waki, T(責任著者). Introducing the land snail Bradybaena pellucida increased infection risk of the avian parasite Postharmostomum commutatum in the Kanto region of Japan. Parasitology Research. Parasitology Research, 1-10. 2023.(査読有) 

  2. Waki, T., Mironov, S.V., Nakajima, A., Shimano, S. A new feather mite of the genus Pelargolichus (Acariformes: Pterolichidae) from the Oriental White Stork Ciconia boyciana (Ciconiiformes: Ciconiidae) in Japan. Systematic and Applied Acarology.  28 (3), 471–482. 2023(査読有)

  3. 脇司,髙野剛史,古澤春紀,浦部美佐子.スズメ目Passeriformes Linnaeus, 1758の鳥類に広く寄生するホソヤカルッツ吸虫(新称)Lutztrema attenuatum (Dujardin, 1845) の自然界における第一中間宿主の発見.タクサ: 日本動物分類学会誌, 54, 59–66. 2023.(査読有)

  4. 脇司,舩橋玲二,土井怜奈,古澤春紀,辻村瑠作,島野智之.日本の野外および動物園のタカ目およびフクロウ目鳥類7種から得られたウモウダニ類8種の記録 −本邦初記録の5種を含む−. タクサ: 日本動物分類学会誌, 54, 49–58. 2023.(査読有)

  5. Waki, T., Eda, M., Shimano, S. Two feather mite species (Alloptidae, Freyanidae) associated with the Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis (Rothschild, 1893) (Diomedeidae) from Japanese coastal waters.  Systematic and Applied Acarology. 28(1), 63–76. 2023(査読有)
    ​(日本語版プレスリリース)(Press release in English

  6. Waki, T., Hirano, T., Ye, B. & Shimano, S. First report of the snail mite Riccardoella triodopsis (Acari: Ereynetidae) from Mainland China. Edaphologia, 112, 31–34. 2023(査読有)

  7. Hayashi, M., Sano, Y., Ishikawa, T., Hagiwara, T., Sasaki, M., Nakao, M., Urabe, M., Waki, T(責任著者). Invasion of the fish parasite Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Trematoda: Bucephalidae) into Lake Kasumigaura and the surrounding rivers of eastern Japan. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 52, 47–60. 2022.(査読有)

  8. 古澤春紀,後藤優介,脇司(責任著者).ミュージアムパーク茨城県自然博物館で得られたツグミ属鳥類から採集された吸虫Michajlovia turdi (Yamaguti, 1939).茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 25, 23–25. 2022. (査読有)

  9. Waki, T., & Shimano, S. Redescription of two parasitic feather mites sampled from the last two Crested Ibises, Nipponia nippon (Temminck, 1835)(Pelecaniformes: Threskiornithidae), lived in Japan. Zootaxa, 5116(1), 136–150. 2022.(査読有)

  10. Yamamoto, K., Yanagisawa, M., Ueda, K., Iwaki, T., Kodera, R., Naganobu, K. Okamoto, M., Tomita, S., Waki, T., Koie, H. & Uekusa, Y. A new needle biopsy approach for dolphins with lesions in the pterygoid sinus. Emerging Animal Species, 100006. 2022.(査読有)

  11. Waki, T., Motochin, R., Asami, T., & Shimano, S. Two subspecies of the snail mite Riccardoella (Proriccardoella) reaumuri Fain & van Goethem, 1986 (Acari, Prostigmata, Ereynetidae) from Japan. Systematic and Applied Acarology, 27(5), 839–854. 2022.(査読有)

  12. 脇司, 中尾稔, 佐々木瑞希, 髙野剛史, 池澤広美, & 宮崎晋介. 日本におけるマイマイサンゴムシ属 (新称) Brachylaima 吸虫未同定種の報告ならびに既知種の新産地・新宿主. タクサ: 日本動物分類学会誌, 52, 37–47. 2022.(査読有)

  13. Hiruta, S. F., Waki, T., & Shimano, S. Complete mitochondrial genomes of two snail mite: Riccardoella tokyoensis and R. reaumuri (Acariformes, Prostigmata, Ereynetidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7(2), 345–347. 2022.(査読有)

  14. Sasaki, M., Iwaki, T., Waki, T., & Nakao, M. An unknown species of Leucochloridium (Trematoda: Leucochloridiidae) from northern Honshu, Japan. Parasitology International 87: 102491 2022.(査読有)

  15. Waki, T., Nakao, M., Sasaki, M., Ikezawa, H., Inoue, K., Ohari, Y., Asada, M. Furusawa, H., & Miyazaki, S. Brachylaima phaedusae n. sp. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) from door snails in Japan. Parasitology International, 86, 102469. 2022. (査読有)

  16. 脇司・古澤春紀・島野智之. 茨城県で採集された日本で2例目のニュウムラカタツムリダニ. 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 2021.(査読有)

  17. Nishiumi, I., Prasad Acharja, I.P., Tshering, J., Yoshikawa, M., Khandu, P., Gajmer, S.L., Waki, T., Tenzin, K. & Shimano, S. Applying molecular sex identification methods to “Karma”, a black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis). Journal of the Bhutan Ecological Society, 4, 1–8. 2021.(査読有)

  18. Waki, T., Sasaki, M., Matsubara, H., & Shimano, S. The first report of the feather mite Pseudalloptinus milvulinus (Trouessart, 1884) (Acariformes: Pterolichidae) from the Black Kite Milvus migrans (Boddaert, 1783) in Japan. Species Diversity, 26: 273–279. 2021.(査読有)

  19. Yoshino, H., & Waki, T. First report on Mermithidae (Mermithida) infection in Ligidium sp. (Isopoda, Ligiidae). Parasitology International, 82: 102304. 2021.(査読有)

  20. Waki, T., Ohari, Y., Hayashi, K., Moribe, J., Matsuo, K., & Takashima, Y. The first detection of Dicrocoelium chinensis sporocysts from the land snail Aegista vulgivaga in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 21: 0012. 2021.(査読有)

  21. Takano, T., Iwaki, T., Waki, T., Murata, R., Suzuki, J., Kodo, Y., Kobayashi, K., & Ogawa, K. Species composition and infection levels of Anisakis (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in the skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus) in the Northwest Pacific. Parasitology Research, 120: 1605–1615. 2021. (査読有)

  22. Waki, T., Ikezawa, H., Umeda, K., & Shimano, S. Natural history study on Riccardoella tokyoensis: life history with ontogeny and host distribution records. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 83: 13–30. 2021. (査読有)

  23. Murata, R., Kodo, Y., Kobayashi, K., Sadamasu, K., Takano, T., Iwaki, T., Waki, T., & Ogawa, K. Probable association between Anisakis infection in the muscle of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and human anisakiasis in Tokyo, Japan. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 337: 108930. 2021. (査読有)

  24. 脇司・亀田勇一・平野尚浩・島野智之. 琉球列島における樹上性陸産貝類オキナワヤマタカマイマイ類 (ニッポンマイマイ属)におけるカタツムリダニ属Riccardoella (胸板ダニ上目: ケダニ目: ヤワスジダニ科)の寄生状況. 沖縄生物学会誌, 59: 11–17. 2021.(査読有)

  25. Iwaki, T., Tamai, K., Ogimoto, K., Iwahashi, Y., Waki, T., Kawano, F., & Ogawa, K. New records of Philometra pellucida (Jägerskiöld, 1893) (Nematoda: Philometridae) from the body cavity of Arothron mappa (Lesson) and Arothron nigropunctatus (Bloch et Schneider) reared in aquariums, with synonymisation of Philometra robusta Moravec, Möller et Heeger, 1992, Folia Parasitologica, 67: 1–5. 2020.(査読有)

  26. Waki, T., & Shimano, S. A report of infection in the crested ibis Nipponia nippon with feather mites in current Japan. Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan, 29: 1–8. 2020. (査読有)

  27. Nakao, M., Sasaki, M., & Waki, T. Brachylaima succini sp. nov. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) from Succinea lauta, an amber snail in Hokkaido, Japan. Parasitology International, 102104. 2020. (査読有)

  28. Shirakashi, S., Waki, T., & Ogawa, K. Bucephalid metacercarial infection in wild larval and juvenile ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Fish Pathology, 54: 93–100. 2020.(査読有)

  29. Nakao, M., Sasaki, M., Waki, T., & Asakawa, M. Pseudoleucochloridium ainohelicis nom. nov. (Trematoda: Panopistidae), a replacement for Glaphyrostomum soricis found from long-clawed shrews in Hokkaido, Japan, with New Data on its Intermediate Hosts. Species Diversity, 24: 159–167. 2019. (査読有)

  30. Umeda, K., Yang, X., Waki, T., Yoshinaga, T., & Itoh, N. The effects of environmental and nutritional conditions on the development of Perkinsus olseni prezoosporangia. Experimental Parasitology, 209: 107827. 2020. (査読有)

  31. Waki, T., Sasaki, M., Mashino, K., Iwaki, T., & Nakao, M.  Brachylaima lignieuhadrae n. sp. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) from land snails of the genus Euhadra in Japan. Parasitology International, 74: 101992. 2020. (査読有)

  32. 脇司・澤畠拓夫.ナメクジ類に寄生するナメクジカンセンチュウ属 (和名新称) 線虫の国内における感染状況. タクサ: 日本動物分類学会誌, 47: 23–29. 2019. (査読有)

  33. Nakao, M., Sasaki, M., Waki, T., Iwaki, T., Morii, Y., Yanagida, K., & Asakawa, M. Distribution records of three species of Leucochloridium (Trematoda: Leucochloridiidae) in Japan, with comments on their microtaxonomy and ecology. Parasitology international, 72: 101936. 2019. (査読有)

  34. Waki, T., & Yoshinaga, T. Mortality of spats of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum experimentally challenged with the protozoan parasite Perkinsus olseni. Fish Pathology, 54: 34–36. 2019. (査読有)

  35. Waki, T., & Shimano, S. Redescription of the snail mite Riccardoella reaumuri (Acariformes: Prostigmata: Ereynetidae). Species Diversity, 24: 97–102. 2019. (査読有)

  36. Waki, T., Shimano, S., & Asami, T. First record of Riccardoella (Proriccardoella) triodopsis (Acariformes: Trombidiformes: Ereynetidae) from Japan, with additional morphological information. Species Diversity, 24: 11–15. 2019. (査読有)

  37. 脇司・島野智之・浅見崇比呂. 環境省版・都道府県版レッドリスト・レッドデータブックに掲載された陸産貝類6種に寄生したダニ. タクサ: 日本動物分類学会誌, 46. 34–39. 2019. (査読有)

  38. Waki, T., Hino, A., & Umeda, K. Angiostoma namekuji n. sp. (Nematoda: Angiostomatidae) from terrestrial slugs on Oshiba Island in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Systematic parasitology, 95: 913–920. 2018. (査読有)

  39. 巖城 隆・脇司・荒川純平・小川和夫. カワウPhalacrocorax carboに寄生していたClinostomum complanatum. 魚病研究, 53: 132–135. 2018. (査読有)

  40. Waki, T., Nakao, M., Hayashi, K., Ikezawa, H., & Tsutumi, N. Molecular and morphological discrimination of dicrocoeliid larvae (Trematoda: Digenea) from terrestrial mollusks in Japan. Journal of Parasitology, 104: 660–670. 2018. (査読有)

  41. Nakao, M., Sasaki, M., Waki, T., Anders, J. L., & Katahira, H. Brachylaima asakawai sp. nov. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae), a rodent intestinal fluke in Hokkaido, Japan, with a finding of the first and second intermediate hosts. Parasitology international, 67: 565–574. 2018. (査読有)

  42. Waki, T., Takahashi, M., Eki, T., Hiasa, M., Umeda, K., Karakawa, N., & Yoshinaga, T. Impact of Perkinsus olseni infection on a wild population of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Ariake Bay, Japan. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 153: 134–144. 2018. (査読有)

  43. Waki, T., & Yoshinaga, T. Experimental evaluation of the impact of Perkinsus olseni on the physiological activities of juvenile Manila clams. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37: 29–39. 2018. (査読有)

  44. Waki, T., Hiruta, S. F., & Shimano, S. A new species of the genus Riccardoella (Acari: Prostigmata: Ereynetidae) from the land snail Tauphaedusa tau (Gastropoda: Clausliidae) in Japan. Zootaxa, 4402: 163–174. 2018. (査読有)

  45. 脇司・島野智之・浅見崇比呂・宮井卓人・佐々木健志. 沖縄島から得られた陸貝に寄生するダイダイカタツムリダニ(新称)Riccardoella reaumuri Fain & van Goethem, 1986 (胸板ダニ上目: ケダニ目: ヤワスジダニ科) の日本初記録. 沖縄生物学会誌, 56: 27–31. 2018. (査読有)

  46. Waki, T., Rolán, E., Noseworthy, R. G., Kang, H. S., & Choi, K. S. A new species of the genus Ammonicera (Prosobranchia, Omalogyridae) in a coralline algae community from Jeju Island, off the south coast of Korea. Ocean Science Journal, 52: 587–591. 2017. (査読有)

  47. Waki, T. Diversity of terrestrial mollusks and their helminths in artificial environments in Yoyogi park, Tokyo, Japan. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 10: 254–256. 2017. (査読有)

  48. Nakao, M., Waki, T., Sasaki, M., Anders, J. L., Koga, D., & Asakawa, M. Brachylaima ezohelicis sp. nov. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) found from the land snail Ezohelix gainesi, with a note of an unidentified Brachylaima species in Hokkaido, Japan. Parasitology International, 66: 240–249. 2017. (査読有)

  49. Noseworthy, R. G., Waki, T., Kajino, N. & Choi, K.S. Report of Malleus regula (Forsskal in Niebuher, 1775) (Bivalvia: Malleidae) in Korea. Korean Journal of Malacology, 32: 329–333. 2016. (査読有)

  50. Waki, T., Noseworthy, R. G., & Choi, K.S. First report of Vexillum zelotypum Reeve 1845 (Costellariidae: Neogastropoda) in Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 9: 100–103. 2016. (査読有)

  51. Waki, T., Lee, H.J., Park, S.R., Park, J.S., Kwun, H.J. & Choi, K.S. First report of the microgastropod Ammonicera japonica (Omalogyridae Habe, 1972) in Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 9: 180–182. 2016. (査読有)

  52. Waki, T., & Yoshinaga, T. Suppressive effects of low salinity and low temperature on in-vivo propagation of the protozoan Perkinsus olseni in Manila clams. Fish Pathology, 50: 16–22. 2015. (査読有)

  53. Waki, T., & Yoshinaga, T. Experimental challenges of juvenile and adult Manila clams with the protozoan Perkinsus olseni at different temperatures. Fishery Science, 79: 779–786. 2013. (査読有)

  54. 早川淳・脇司・佐々木猛智・河村知彦. 腹足類の稚貝の種判別:相模湾長井の潮下帯における研究例. ちりぼたん, 42: 80–100. 2013. (査読有)

  55. Waki, T., Shimokawa, J., Watanabe, S., Yoshinaga, T., & Ogawa, K. Experimental challenges of wild Manila clams with Perkinsus species isolated from naturally infected wild Manila clams. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 111: 50–55. 2012.  (査読有)

  56. Yoshinaga, T., Watanabe, S., Waki, T., Aoki, S. & Ogawa, K. Influence of Perkinsus infection on the physiology and behavior of adult Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Fish Pathology, 45: 151–157. 2010. (査読有)

  57. Takahashi, M., Yoshinaga, T., Waki, T., Shimokawa, J., & Ogawa. K. Development of a PCR-RFLP Method for Differentiation of Perkinsus olseni and P. honshuensis in the Manila Clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Fish Pathology, 44: 185–188. 2009. (査読有)


  1. 脇司,島野智之.日本に分布する陸産貝類の寄生虫カタツムリダニ属のダニについて. タクサ: 日本動物分類学会誌, 54, 3–10. 2023.(査読無し)




  1. 島野智之・脇司(編著)・新種発見物語 足元から深海まで11人の研究者が行く! 岩波ジュニア新書.2023.

  2. 脇司(著), カタツムリ・ナメクジの愛し方-日本の陸貝図鑑, ベレ出版. 2020.

  3. 永宗喜三郎・脇司・常盤俊介・島野智之(編著). 寄生虫のはなし, 朝倉書店. 2020.



  1. 脇司.いつの間にか利根川水系に侵入していた外来寄生虫─ 尾崎腹口吸虫 ─.うみうし通信,118: 2023. (査読無し)

  2. 越川重治・山﨑秀雄・脇司・舘野光輝.塒下の糞およびペリット分析によるムクドリ (Spodiopsar cineraceus) の食性に関する研究.アーバンバーズ(都市鳥研究会会誌), 39: 2-28. 2023.(査読無し)

  3. 森紀乃・石井聡美・脇司.自然教育園の鬼門付近におけるアズキガイPupinella rufaの生息状況について.自然教育園報告,54: 9–12. 2022.(査読無し)

  4. 脇司・尾針由真・林慶・森部絢嗣・松尾加代子・高島康弘. [研究紹介] 反芻動物を宿主とする槍形吸虫類の一種 Dicrocoelium chinensis の 日本におけるスポロシストの初検出. 日本野生動物医学会誌, 27(1): 35–43. 2022. (査読無し)

  5. 島野智之・脇司. もう一つの絶滅 添い遂げたウモウダニ 日本産トキと一緒に絶滅. 野鳥(日本野鳥の会会誌), 2020年9・10月号: 8–15. 2020.(査読無し)

  6. 脇司・島野智之. INSECTS REPORTS トキウモウダニは日本から絶滅したのか? 昆虫と自然, 55: 33–35. 2020.(査読無し)

  7. 倉持利明・脇司・巖城隆・高野剛史・小川和夫. 自然教育園における寄生蠕虫類および寄生性ダニ類調査. 自然教育園報告(Miscellaneous reports of the Institute for Nature Study), 51: 147–53. 2019. (査読無し)

  8. Waki, T., Shimano, S., & Shiba, M. Snail mite Riccardoella reaumuri (Acariformes: Prostigmata: Ereynetidae) as free living from Shikoku Island, Japan. Edaphologia, 105: 26–27. 2019.(査読無し)

  9. 脇司. ブリティッシュコロンビアのBanana slug. くろしお 36 (南紀生物同好会会報. 通巻56号) 2017.(査読無し)

  10. Choi, K.S., & Waki, T.  Perkinsus (Lester and Davis 1981) infection in the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in Korea; species identification, impacts and spatio-temporal distribution. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Asari Clam, 水産研究・教育機構研究報告, 42: 23–27. 2016.(査読無し)

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